Motivation is the key to “Success”. Motivation is very important to do anything. If you feel that you are not confident or feel depressed then you should follow these 5 life hacks.


One of the best examples of chunking comes from one of the world’s greatest magicians. David Blaine, Blaine is well known for his stunts of endurance. He once spent over 63 hours encased in a block of ice and you can only imagine How much willpower that required. Blaine managed to pull this off by using chunking to create a constant supply of willpower? Chunking is when you take a large task and you break it down into tiny pieces for Blaine instead of focusing on the total amount of hours He wanted to spend in this block of ice which was at least 60 hours. He broke it down to the hour. He would tell himself, okay I just need to make it through the next hour Over and over again. The reason this works is that our brain is designed to be as efficient with our willpower as Possible in order to conserve energy. We actually have an almost unlimited amount of willpower. But we all have a point in time where our brain says nope you’ve used enough that’s all you’re getting for today. So when presented with a momentous task your brain says “Nope we can’t do this task”

But when you’re using chunking and you focus your attention on one small piece at a time when your brain says “Hey you know we could do this”. Here you will get some extra willpower. Do we need to set a low bar when creating our routines by setting a low bar which is the minimum? Amount of work. We’re allowing ourselves to do. We’re basically using chunking to get a little bit of extra willpower Just enough to force ourselves to stick to our habits So how can we use this in our day-to-day lives? Well instead of telling yourself that you’re gonna finish that five-page paper right now You’re actually gonna get more willpower to feel more motivated and get more done. If you tell yourself you’re gonna finish a single paragraph at a time on top of that chunking also increases the amount of confidence we have.


Psychological factor that influences our levels of willpower. The more confident you are about a task the less willpower it will require. Let’s say that you want to lose 20 pounds if I asked random strangers on the street how Confident they were about this most people would say that they weren’t confident at all. However, if we use Chunking and we cut this down to just one pound, most people would say “yeah I could do it”.

Confidence is all about the small wins by paying attention to small milestones. You actually become more and more Confident towards your end goal. You start believing that you can actually do it a great way to build confidence using small wins is by tracking your growth, for example, if you’re someone who wants to lose weight it’s very effective to download an app like My Fitness Pal that allows you to track your progress by tracking your weight and slowly watching your weight drop This boosts your confidence and it requires less and less willpower to go back to the gym or stick to your diet.

View of willpower

A study conducted in 2010 by a professor, Job V, found that how we view willpower can severely affect Our levels of it, for example, if you believe that willpower is limited then you actually lose willpower faster than someone who believes willpower is unlimited. So what can we do about this? Well, let’s establish the truth about willpower once and for all. The truth of the matter is our levels of willpower Far exceed the amount we use throughout the day. Our brain just likes to set a limit on it. However, if you’ve been studying the same course you’ve gained some knowledge about how it all works and knowledge is power Which means you have more control over your willpower, so I like to believe that by studying willpower I actually know how to tap into my Unlimited willpower more than the average person. By adopting this very belief you’ll find yourself more willpower in the long run.


When you have an identity that aligns with your goals and the habits that you’re trying to build. This Decreases the amount of low power required to stick to it.

Now, this is easier said than done. How can we change our identity? Well, the best way to do so is by being very careful with our language. The way we phrase things will affect how we view ourselves, for example, if an urge arises to smoke, instead of thinking “I can’t smoke. I told myself. I was gonna quit”. We should be thinking “I am NOT a smoker”.

Another good trick to keep in mind is to replace words like “I can’t” “I have to” “I must” With “I want to”. The first three phrases are phrases that you would use if you still Identified with the old you that you’re trying to change. But if you use the phrase “I want to” then you’re agreeing with your new Identity.

High-Level thinking

A study conducted in 2006 by Professor, Fujita, found that people who spent more time thinking High-level thoughts would have a significantly higher Level of willpower throughout the day. Then those who had low-level thoughts.

Low-level thinking is when you think about the short term and specifics, for example, you think about how you’re gonna get to the gym, you think about how you’re gonna lose your weight, you think about What foods you’re gonna eat.

There’s nothing wrong with thinking low-level thoughts because they are needed in order to plan ahead. You can’t make dinner unless you think about what you’re gonna cook. But it’s best to spend more time thinking high-level thoughts.

High-level thinking when you think about more general and long-term ideas. So it’s when you think about why you’re going to the gym when you think about why you’re trying to lose weight when you’re thinking about why you’re changing your diet.

High-level thoughts create a sense of purpose and meaning. If you think about, why you’re changing your diet enough, you start to truly believe that Changing your diet is what’s best for you. A great exercise that we will recommend all of you to try is to take the keys don’t Have it then you’re trying to build in this course and fill out an entire page with why you want to stick to this habit.